Anyone can file a complaint free of charge. You do not need a lawyer to file a complaint against a judge. Reading our brochure will give an overview of how the Judicial Conduct Board operates and what types of complaints we can handle. You should, however, review the types of allegations that the Board will consider, and you should not make frivolous complaints. What’s more, anyone who knowingly files a false complaint may face criminal charges. Please read our brochure before filing a complaint.
If you require language assistance or if you are unable to complete and/or submit a complaint due to a physical disability, please contact the office at (717) 234-7911. Si necesita asistencia lingüística o se le imposibilita completar y/o presentar un reclamo debido a una discapacidad física, comuníquese con la oficina al (717) 234-7911.
All complaints must identify the judge against whom the Confidential Request for Investigation is being filed and specify the allegations upon which the request is based. If a court case is involved, you will be asked for relevant information related to the case, such as the names of lawyers on both sides. You may also send the Board copies of documents to support your allegations but they will not be returned. To speed the process along, it helps to give the Board as much information as you possibly can.
No, but it is strongly encouraged that you do. Although the Board does accept anonymous complaints, they are much more difficult to investigate.
There are two versions of our Request for Investigation form available. The first version is for Microsoft Word. If you have Microsoft Word, open the complaint form. You can then fill out most (all but date and signature) of the form in Word, Print It, Sign It, and Mail it to us. If you do not have Microsoft Word, please use the version for Adobe Acrobat. This version should be opened, printed out, filled in, signed, and mailed to us. *All complaints must be made in writing. No complaints will be taken over the telephone or via the internet.
Our mailing address is:
Judicial Conduct Board
Pennsylvania Judicial Center
601 Commonwealth Ave, Suite 3500
P.O. Box 62525
Harrisburg, Pa 17106-2525
601 Commonwealth Ave
Suite 3500
P.O. Box 62525
Harrisburg, PA 17106-2525
(717) 234-7911